You're Going Where?

Friday, August 26, 2005

Spring Vac is Here!

I have officially reached the halfway point of the UCT semester. I am not yet halfway through my visit, since we have a month of exams, but the academic classes are 50% finished. I feel so accomplished!

Spring Vac has arrived! (Yes, spring break in August/September. Cool, huh?!) Many of the computer labs are closing and I'm going on a big and exciting trip (more details when I return), so I won't be posting for the next week or two. I'm sorry that I'll be so out of touch, but I promise to write long entries on my spring vac adventures when I get back! Stay tuned for more updates, but until then: mum's the word!


  • Have an awesome time! I'm going to miss you(Well, more than usual ;-) ). Love you!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:24 PM  

  • Have a great time with your Mom. Will look forward to your entries when you get back as well as talking with your Mom.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:45 AM  

  • Hello Lauren,
    We are very happy that your Mom can be with you for a couple weeks and are looking forward to you getting back to updating your blog.


    Granddaddy and Grandmother

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:18 AM  

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