You're Going Where?

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Return to Normalcy

...or as close to it as I ever get. You see, I started this blog to record a specific adventure. I wanted to vent, to pour out and share my experience so we could all drink a cup and converse over it. And now I have returned and the experience has all been consumed and the return is complete. The adventure is not over, it never really is, but the return is complete and, quite frankly, I can't keep up with two blogs at once. In fact, I'm lousy at keeping up with ONE blog at once. So, I've decided to go back to the beginning. So, while the Africa chronicles are over and I'm ending this blog, I'll still be recording my adventures, my random thoughts, my frustrations, and my other ramblings on the blog that started it all: I'm out.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Home for the Weekend

I go to school approximately nine hours away from my hometown, so I had never done the traditional going-home-for-the-weekend thing that many college students do. Last weekend, however, I finally got to understand this phenomenon. Finally now, during my last semester of undergraduate work, I got to drive home for a weekend. Now I finally understand the draw of this behavior.

There is something incredibly relaxing about just being at home. There's a feeling of being cared for by your parents, even though you're an adult. You get to see people without having to worry about the holiday rush. In addition, people largely don't expect you to be home and you're not there for very long, so there are very few obligations that must be met. Why couldn't I have discovered this sooner?

During my visit I went to see some friends perform at the high school Solo and Ensemble contest. I don't think I've felt quite that old in recent memory. I realized that it has been four full years since I performed in the contest, and kids that I remember being tiny are now performing as seniors in high school. This aging thing really MUST be stopped...